หน้าแรก วิดีโอ That Time an Indian Kingdom Invaded Southeast Asia | Rajendra Chola and the Maritime Chola Empire

That Time an Indian Kingdom Invaded Southeast Asia | Rajendra Chola and the Maritime Chola Empire

ผู้ผลิต Odd Compass
วิทยากร/ผู้แสดง -

การขยายอำนาจของอาณาจักรโจฬะไปยังเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ โดยเฉพาะในสมัยพระเจ้าราเชนทรโจฬะ

Indian history is diverse and bursting with narrative color. This is the real-life story of the Tamils -- led by Rajendra Chola I -- who forged an impressive fleet of ships and successfully invaded the biggest, baddest empire in Southeast Asia, changing the face (and fate) of the region forever. -- In 1025CE, the Tamil Cholas -- an Empire hailing from the southern regions of the Indian subcontinent -- invaded the Srivijaya Empire in Southeast Asia. This can surprise casual observers. After all, an organized naval invasion of distant lands seems out-of-place when considered in the context of most other Indian powers throughout history. In truth, however, the invasion was a sensible extension of Chola policy, and can be explained by the economic and political realities that defined South India in the medieval era. Enjoy this brief look at the Cholas and their overseas exploits!


ความยาว 16:00 นาที
คำสำคัญ/ป้ายกำกับ Chola Rajendra Chola I Lanka Tamil




9 ก.พ. 2566

That Time an Indian Kingdom Invaded Southeast Asia | Rajendra Chola and the Maritime Chola Empire
ผู้ผลิต :
Odd Compass
วิทยากร/ผู้แสดง :
เรื่องย่อ :

การขยายอำนาจของอาณาจักรโจฬะไปยังเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ โดยเฉพาะในสมัยพระเจ้าราเชนทรโจฬะ

Indian history is diverse and bursting with narrative color. This is the real-life story of the Tamils -- led by Rajendra Chola I -- who forged an impressive fleet of ships and successfully invaded the biggest, baddest empire in Southeast Asia, changing the face (and fate) of the region forever. -- In 1025CE, the Tamil Cholas -- an Empire hailing from the southern regions of the Indian subcontinent -- invaded the Srivijaya Empire in Southeast Asia. This can surprise casual observers. After all, an organized naval invasion of distant lands seems out-of-place when considered in the context of most other Indian powers throughout history. In truth, however, the invasion was a sensible extension of Chola policy, and can be explained by the economic and political realities that defined South India in the medieval era. Enjoy this brief look at the Cholas and their overseas exploits!


ความยาว (นาที:วินาที) :
เผยแพร่เมื่อ :
28 Sept 2019
คำสำคัญ/ป้ายกำกับ :
Chola Rajendra Chola I Lanka Tamil
จำนวนผู้เข้าชม :
วันที่เผยแพร่ข้อมูล :
9 ก.พ. 2566

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